Our strength is to efficiently drive digitization and automation of system components and their development. Our passion is directed towards localization of vehicles and objects. Thus, our specific know-how in this area makes us unique.
Innovative Software and System Solutions
About usRailways
We design innovative concepts for railways by bringing in best practices from other industries and setting impulses, e.g. for safe and precise localization within SmartRail 4.0.
For GNSS based tolling and other telematics services we can draw on nearly 20 years of international experience. This opens up unparalleled potential in utilizing vehicles as sensors.
Highly automated driving increases networking with the environment and other road users. Connecting telematics with automotive, we support future applications as car2x or advanced chassis and driving functions.
Our Products
Intelligent controller parametrization
Embedded Controller for your application
IDCON Nonlinear
Measurement based automated modeling
as Sensor
Platform independent app development
Software Telematik Plattform
for onboard units and backend solutions